These marriage extractions were taken from the original county of Alturas from 1864-1894. If you know any of these individuals and would like to contribute by adding a mini-biography, then contact us about how to submit a mini-biography.
LEWIS, Leonard Crawford | 15 Aug 1864 Little Camas Prairie | WOOD, Jane |
ROSS, John M. | 21 Jan 1866 | ADDLEY, Jennetie |
WILLARD, Josiah | 22 Feb 1866 | SAVIERS, Sarah Jane |
ENGLEHART, Carl E. G. | 18 Jan 1867 | SEER, Wilhelmine |
WALLS, Joseph N. | 13 Nov 1867 Junction Bar | COULEY, Lydia Ann |
PIPER, W. W. | 3 Jul 1868 | KUTZSCHAN, Clara Augusta |
Page updated December 2023
Please, If you would like to add resources, if you know of something that should be linked here or if you have any problems using this website contact us.
Temp Coordinator - Randy Cummings
State Coordinator - Kerry A Hairston