BOISE, Idaho, Oct. 30.---William Cameron, the Carey, Idaho man who last night shot and killed his wife and 18-months-old daughter, his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Adamson, and wife's brother, James Adamson and then sent a bullet into his own head died today completing a tragedy in which six lives were snuffed out. The coroner today began an investigation of the killing. He is convinced that Cameron was not under the influence of liquor when he went on his murderous mission. During his assault Cameron reloaded his revolver, after firing four bullets into the today of his wife's father.
"Slayer of Five is Claimed by Death,"
Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California),
31 Oct 1915, p. 17, col. 4.
Page updated December 2023
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Temp Coordinator - Randy Cummings
State Coordinator - Kerry A Hairston