Idaho GenWeb Logo

Blaine GenWeb Logo


Blaine County Lookups

Feel free to request a look-up from our volunteer(s) resources by using these guidelines:

U.S. Census for Idaho
1870 - 1880 Alturas County
1900 - 1930 Blaine County

Matthew D. Friend

Carey Valley Burials
It have name, place of birth, death, spouses, and parents names, if known.

Christine M. Storey

History of Carey, Idaho by Elizabeth C. Adamson

Christine M. Storey

Some phone numbers or web links that could be helpful for your genealogical research:

Lookup Volunteers Needed!!!

This site was designed to help researchers like you. In order to make this site beneficial to the most people, we need everyone to share their information. After all, the only way people can help you, is if you let them know what you are looking for. Here's how you can help us ...

Review the queries - see if someone is researching the same surname.

Submit your query - tell other researchers what you are looking for.

Share your resources - If you have a book or data base that your willing to look in for others, email us, and we will list you on the look ups page.

Submit your family group sheets -

Share your knowledge - If you are a local historian or history buff, you could be a great help. Consider submitting a local history.

Tell us your ideas - We're always glad to hear ideas and suggestion to make the Bonner IdGenWeb better.


Your assistance in providing Blaine County genealogy is appreciated. Please contact us we'll add you to our list above.


Page updated December 2023

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Please, If you would like to add resources, if you know of something that should be linked here or if you have any problems using this website contact us.

Contact Us

Temp Coordinator - Randy Cummings

State Coordinator - Kerry A Hairston